Globally Sort Events
From the main screen pick File, Utility, Globally Sort Events.
Be sure you have a current Backup of your database before running this routine.
There are three options for the event sort.
1. The first option will sort by dates, but if there are no dates (or the date is the same) it will sort by event type. So for example, if a person currently has:
Born 1950 Chicago
Died Chicago
Occupation Farmer
It would end up as follows because the occupation event would come before the died event:
Born 1950 Chicago
Occupation Farmer
Died Chicago
2. The second option will sort primarily by type of event. So if you tell it to sort in the order of: Born, Occupation, Died, Buried, then if it currently has
Born 1950 Chicago
Occupation 1970 Farmer
Occupation Salesman
Occupation 1990 Baker
Died Chicago
Buried Chicago
then it would not be changed. If there are two or three occupations and one does not have a date, it will say in the same order that it was previously.
3. The third option of sorting is by date only. So if you had
Died 1950
Born 1950
It would not change the order of events. This is different from the first type of sort which would change the order to put born first in a situation where the dates are the same or the dates are blank.